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2023 Exchange Rate Data

US Dollar (USD) to Canadian Dollar (CAD) Exchange Rate History

2023 Exchange Rate Data

This page provides a comprehensive history of the exchange rate between the US Dollar (USD) and the Canadian Dollar (CAD) for the year 2023. The data includes date ranges, indicators, symbol comparisons, frequency, and display options.

As of today, the USD to CAD exchange rate is 1369, indicating a 0.066% change from the previous value.

Historical Currency Prices

This website also features historical currency prices for both USD to CAD and CAD to USD. You can select specific date ranges and view the exchange rates over time.

Summary Pages

In addition to the current and historical data, we provide summary pages for both the USD to CAD and CAD to USD exchange rates. These pages present an overview of the exchange rate movements over time.

Annual Average Exchange Rates

The annual average exchange rates between the US Dollar and Canadian Dollar are published on the last business day of each year by 12:30 ET.
